Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Land Patent, Land Grant, Letter of Patent

An explanation of Land Patents and entitlement that transfers forward to present day by way of a Deed. The term patent means then as it does today, rights to and item, that being in this case Land. What rights you have with respect to your property are stated on the Patent. The question now is why have the patents been ignored? Your deed and Patent states" for their sole and only use forever" Why has this been hidden from the property owner? The Ontario Land Owners are making challenges based on this, the first law of the land, that being Letters of Patent or Patent Grants.

BC Family Battles Government Over Secret Land Seizure & SNC Lavalin Debacle

Kelowna BC family 9.5 year “David versus Goliath” battle with BC government secret seizure of their private lands, makes a very public plea for help. For the last 3 years, the government’s lawyers have been hiding documents that prove their case, but they finally got them through Freedom of Information (FOI) but the proof means nothing,

Sunday, July 14, 2019


I started hosting on Airbnb in 2013 and I've learned a ton in that time. Last year I made $500,000 in rental income. Here's 5 thing I WISH I knew back when I started that I know now.

Friday, July 12, 2019

This Ultra Modern Tiny House Will Blow Your Mind

This ultra modern tiny house on wheels is truly something to behold. With it's jet black exterior, super clever design and incredibly high quality of craftsmanship, this tiny home is sure to blow your mind.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Mother And Daughter’s Wild Tiny House Adventure

Making the decision to start a new life can be a difficult thing. Selling up your home and possessions, downsizing into a tiny house and driving that tiny house from one side of the country to another to settle in a new province can be incredibly scary, and yet that’s exactly what this inspiring mother and daughter duo did.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Airbnb Success Can Be Messy

In this video I reveal another method on how I keep my Airbnb booked every week day during the slow season in Oxford, Mississippi.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Niagara On The Lake Cottage Rental - The Backyard

Niagara Cottage's garden is in full bloom. What a difference from a month ago

when the garden looked so barren and ugly. All of my perennials are blooming now!! 
Look how beautiful!!