In fact sometimes this social media thing, makes my head swirl. When my head starts to swirl I have to shut down my human computer ( my brain) and just veg!! Which doesn't happen very often, because I can't afford all that much time to veg!! After all I'm in business and if things don't move....guess what the bacon doesn't get put on the table. Being a single woman I've had to provide for myself, as I don't have anyone else to rely on to share the financial burden.
So let's talk about business. My business while, it's a vacation rental business, and actually has a physical address and is an historical building. Everything else about the business is done on line.
I have to use the internet and social media in order to reach my target audience. Where do I find my targeted audience? Well guess what? My customers are all on the web!! Big revelation, sometimes it's very difficult to get my this concept around my Baby Boomer head!
After all when I started my business in 1982 ( I know some readers weren't even born yet) I was using the computer to type forms, the gestetner machine to make up newsletters, phone hooked up to the answering machine ( I remember how much I hated that thing) and we didn't even have faxes. We used to send out business invoices via the good old post office....I actually sent out mail!!
So my own growth as a Serial Entrepreneur has been very daunting, exciting and a journey of constant business growth, whether I liked it or not. I've always looked at the trends and have embraced them, sometimes begrudgingly but in the end after I've mastered the "newest" business trend and it's proven to work for my business growth and I'm actually making money from this, I'm all over it to promote it and keep fine tuning and mastering my new found business tool.
Right now I'm fine tuning my business skills embracing social media as a way of promoting my business. What I find that has worked the best for me, is to choose a few online mentors and follow their tweets, blogs and attend their Webinars. One entrepreneur I'm going to recommend to you to follow and learn from is Marc Guberti. Why do I like Marc and recommend him? It's because he sends very clear messages on how to use the Social Media tools. In fact I'm not very technical, I even understand that's not often easy for me.
He's written a number of books on his social media strategies. So he actually is utilizing social media tools to build his online business. He actually has 1000,000 followers on Twitter!!
Now for anyone who doesn't understand what he's accomplished, I've been on Twitter for a year now and I have 812 followers. Can you see what I mean by paying attention to what Marc is suggesting? I also gained 10 followers in 3 days using his strategy.
Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot, it isn't, but it took me a year to gain 802 followers and then the numbers jumped up to 812 in 3 days when I did exactly what he suggested to do!! Boy was I ever happy when I saw my numbers jump, and I will continue to learn and apply his strategies until I gain 100,000 followers.
Let me introduce to Marc Guberti: this introduction is from his Blog:
I am Marc Guberti, the teenager entrepreneur who enjoys to help others succeed. I offer blog posts that show you how to make your business unique, accomplish your goals, be productive, be creative and valuable business lessons. This blog gets updated twice every day. If you already read the blog post I published in the morning and want more content, there will be another blog post published at night.
I am an author of multiple books, and I publish as many of them as I can. One of my recent books, How To Be Successful On Twitter, will show you how to succeed on a powerful social network. In How To Be Successful On Twitter, you will learn how to get a targeted following, boost your engagement, and more tactics that will help you be successful on Twitter.
Being a Serial Entrepreneur, I've been very successful in my businesses, because quite frankly I couldn't afford not to be successful. I couldn't afford to just start a business and then take vacations and spend all the money I made on vacations. I couldn't even afford to have my business fail or go into bankruptcy. I had to instead, put all the money I made right back into my business, and had to tread water at times to make the business successful.
I didn't get rich over night and neither did my business go to IPO. My business has been a slow and steady growth that has been ongoing since 1982. The one thing I've learned through all of this process is make sure you have a mentor to touch base with and as a business owner I have an obligation to my business and my customers to keep learning on how to use social media to get my message out to my targeted audience.
I'd love to hear from you about how you've grown your business. How you are using social media to grow your business. What social media strategies have worked for you the most? Make sure that we touch base on my social media channels.
Happy Investing
Maria Rekrut
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