Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Great Authors Chat Episode 3- Maria Rekrut and Robert J. Moore

Robert J Moore!!

Just days away and we are very much looking forward to seeing everyone!

BOTH DAYS, JUNE 1st, & JUNE 2nd registration starts at 9 am and end at 6 pm

What You Can Expect:

Saturday, June 1st - Day 1- We bring to you a series of incredible guest speakers sharing knowledge on writing, promoting, author branding and personal development.

11 lucky people will have a chance to do 5 minutes of speaking on stage and the top winner will have a chance to have their chapter in one of the upcoming Magnetic Entrepreneur volumes, and get a month of coaching to up-brand them.

Sunday, June 2nd - Day 2- Red Carpet Gala – Dress code in effect. Tux and Black tie affair, ladies wear your gowns.

40 Awards will be handed out.

Bonus prizes and the winning speakers will be announced.

What if I am not an Author of Magnetic Entrepreneur?

Anyone can attend this event and have a chance to win an award or chapter in the next upcoming Magnetic Entrepreneur.

Magnetic Entrepreneur Inc.

What are you waiting for, reserve your ticket now?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Fed's Tragic Plan For Long Term Rates Revealed - Mike Maloney

Here comes QE on steroids. Join Mike Maloney as he explains the Fed's latest plan to manipulate and distort the markets, and what the results are likely to be.

Fight to protect Fiji reef from Chinese developer | 60 Minutes Australia

It started with a dream to create a patch of heaven in Fiji, a surfer’s paradise right near one of the world’s most legendary waves, Cloudbreak. Two Aussie mates, Navrin Fox and Woody Jack, obtained a 99-year lease on land on Malolo Island and planned a small and environmentally friendly resort. But then, to their horror and disgust, right next door bulldozers rolled in and started clearing everything in sight. The spectacular reef, sandy beach and pristine rainforest were all destroyed by Chinese developers determined to build, of all things, a $100 million casino. But as Liam Bartlett reports, far from being wiped out, the Aussie surfers refused to let the dirty rotten scoundrels get away with it.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Boots on the Ground- Eps #10- Maria Rekrut and Sherry Madden

Boots on the Ground Running- Episode 10- Maria Rekrut, John Wilson, and Sherry Madden discuss RentSmart Ontario and “Successful Tenancies”. We'll discuss how to be both a successful landlord and how to be a good tenant.

Here is our newest release from your #1 Source for All Things Real Estate.

Our series Boots on the Ground Running is geared for real estate investors, landlords and landowners who want to keep up with the latest trends in the world of Real Estate and learn techniques to become a successful landlord and how to choose a good tenant.

Maria Rekrut, Editor-in-Chief, Host and Producer of the Real Estate Media News Network and Producer to the Series "Boots on the Ground Running".

John Wilson, President of the Near North Landlord Association, in North Bay, Ontario, Canada.

Sherry Madden from RentSmart Ontario and “Successful Tenancies”.

If you are interested to know more information about Real Estate update, please click the link, share, like, subscribe or message us directly on our FB page found on:

Real Estate Media News Network

Real Estate Media News Radio and TV Network

Maria Rekrut-

Copyright 2019 Real Estate Media News Network
Copyright 2019 Real Estate Media News Radio and TV Network

Monday, May 13, 2019

THEY WANT YOU TO BE POOR - An Eye Opening Interview

"The School System is Teaching People To Be Poor" ROBERT KIYOSAKI

You Are Programmed To Be Poor.